This past Tuesday, June 6th, Rep. Friess was honored to host Cities Leap Forward, an immersive learning seminar for local officials from surrounding municipalities within District 115. Administrative staff members…
The city of Red Bud, IL received a $400,000 grant from the Open Space Land Acquisition and Development program to move forward with plans to renovate the historic Ratz Memorial…
State Representative David Friess (R-Red Bud) has commented on the opening of a new ComWell Clinic in Red Bud. On May 25th, ComWell held a ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating their new…
Dear Neighbor, The spring legislative session has official come to an end. Sadly, the majority party passed an irresponsible and unbalanced budget through stalling tactics that didn’t take everyone’s concerns…
Exercise and physical activity are not only great for your mental and physical health, but they can help keep you independent as you age. Learn how to get started with…
Rep. Friess joined Newsradio WJPF this morning to discuss the end of the spring legislative session. Full interview below: Newsradio WJPF interview with David Friess | May 30, 2023 |…
Today we honor and remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. Bless our fallen heroes this Memorial Day and always.
State Representative David Friess issued the following statement today on the FY24 Illinois state budget: “Illinois families are still grappling with high inflation. Groceries, utilities, gas, and other living expenses…
State Representative David Friess’ district office is collecting used cell phones to be recycled, refurbished, and reused. All of the funds will help purchase care packages and the refurbished phones…
Springfield, IL… On the evening of May 25th, during the final stretch of the 2023 spring legislative session, a resolution put forth by State Representative David Friess (R-Redbud) passed the Illinois…