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Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Only Four Days Left of Legislative Session: Link Inside to Watch Live

We have four scheduled session days left before the House adjourns for the summer and a number of important issues that have yet to be addressed, including the ethics reform our…

Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Rep. Friess Releases Statement on the Passing of SB1909

Rep. Friess released the following statement after the passing of SB1909: “Illinois is already the most radically pro-abortion state in the nation, yet the majority party in Springfield is still…

Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Rep. Friess Honors Mentors and Mentees at Women’s Leadership Initiative Dinner

On May 4th, 2023 State Representative Friess honored participants in the culmination of the Spring session of the Women’s Leadership Initiative. Each mentor received a Certificate of Appreciation for their…

Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Friess Frame 5/9/23

This week was a busy one in Springfield! As we get closer to the end of this legislative session, things are rapidly picking up. I feel optimistic about what we’re…

Monday, May 8, 2023
Sustaining & Protecting At-Risk Kids Working Group Presents Proposals to Fix DCFS

At the beginning of the 103rd General Assembly, House Republican Leader Tony McCombie established several working groups within the House Republican Caucus to develop legislation for the priorities of the caucus…

Friday, May 5, 2023
Rep. Friess Congratulates Violette Nast as She Receives the Governor’s Volunteer Service Award

Red Bud, IL…State Representative David Friess (R-Redbud) was on hand to congratulate Violette Nast for winning the Governor’s Volunteer Service Award in their senior category (55+). Even though she is…

Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Rep. Friess Issues Statement Regarding the Verdict of the ‘ComEd Four” Trial

Rep. Friess released the following statement following the verdict of the ‘ComEd Four’ trial: “The man who used to lead the House of Representatives, Mike Madigan, as well as those…

Tuesday, May 2, 2023
VIDEO: Rep. Friess Discusses the Cost of Doing Business in Illinois

At a press conference today in Springfield, Rep. Friess discussed the cost of doing business in Illinois. His full comments are below.

Monday, May 1, 2023
Rep. Friess Discusses the Economy, Public Safety, and more in NewsRadio WJPF Interview

State Representative David Friess appeared on WJPF Newsradio where he discussed the firearms ban lawsuit, public safety in Illinois, the economy, and more. You can hear the full interview below….

Friday, April 28, 2023
Illinois Shows a Startling Loss of People and Wealth According to New IRS Data: Rep. Friess Comments

Newly released IRS data shows that Illinois had a net loss of 105,000 residents in 2020. 271,000 people moved out of Illinois, with only 166,000 moving in. These numbers put…