Illinois Shows a Startling Loss of People and Wealth According to New IRS Data: Rep. Friess Comments

Newly released IRS data shows that Illinois had a net loss of 105,000 residents in 2020. 271,000 people moved out of Illinois, with only 166,000 moving in. These numbers put Illinois as the nation’s 3rd biggest loser of people to other states.

This decline in population has led to a loss of wealth for Illinois. In 2020, Illinois lost $10.9 billion in taxable income to other states. Early data shows that those same kind of numbers are continuing, or even rising, in subsequent years.

“We can get Illinois on a path toward growth by reducing burdens on residents and job creators alike,” Rep. Friess said. “Let’s work together to offer lasting tax relief to Illinois families and implement the pro-business policies needed to drive innovation and investment in our state. Illinois businesses cannot compete with our immediate neighbors due to the exorbitantly high unemployment insurance and workers’ compensation insurance. The cost of higher taxes and higher insurance are passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices, which makes it difficult, if not impossible, to compete.”

Rep. Friess proudly serves the people of the 115th District.