Rep. David Friess Weekly Newsletter
Legislative Maps Update
The lawsuit seeking to strike down the partisan General Assembly map has been accepted by the federal court in Chicago. A three-judge panel, drawn from the court’s bench, will hear arguments the week of Monday, December 6, 2021. This trial will move fast in order to be able to achieve potential relief for the 2022 primary and general election voting seasons quickly coming this spring.
House and Senate Republicans, and their plaintiff-allies, have submitted specific changes to the Democrats’ partisan map. The changes, if adopted by the court, would alleviate some of the worst problems created by the new map as enacted. The alternative map document was filed with the federal court on Wednesday, November 10. As the case moves along, I will continue to update you on this matter.
Upcoming Events
On November 16th, I will be hosting two information sessions that you may find informative. If you have interest in either event, please contact my office at 618-282-7284.