Rep. Friess’ District Team Delivers Illinois Activity Books and Crayons to Local Schools

Red Bud, IL…State Representative David Friess’ office has continued their commitment to supporting education in the district. Rep Friess’ District Director Cathy Dupertuis and District Admin Emma Heinemann delivered Illinois Activity Books and crayons to several local schools this week with more to come.

The activity books, specially designed for students, contain valuable information about Illinois, including state symbols, coloring pages, and engaging activities to enhance learning and retention.

Rep. Friess shared his enthusiasm for the initiative, stating, “I am delighted to see the excitement these activity books and crayons bring to our students. Education is the cornerstone of our community, and providing resources that make learning fun is a priority. I hope these materials inspire curiosity and a deeper appreciation for our wonderful state.”

The following schools received deliveries of the Illinois Activity Books and Crayons:

Red Bud Elementary

St. John’s Lutheran School

St. John the Baptist Catholic School

Trinity Lutheran School

Rep. Friess and his team are dedicated to supporting education in the district and are actively planning additional deliveries of activity books and crayons to more schools in the coming weeks.

For more information, call Rep. Friess’ office at 618-282-7284.