Friess Frame 6/20/23

Dear Neighbor,

As we head into the heart of summer, much is going on that I’d like to share with you, both in our district and across the state. I share this information in hopes that it helps to keep you informed on issues that are important to you and our communities. Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter, and for the honor of allowing me to serve as your State Representative.


David Friess

115th District

Cities Leap Forward

On Tuesday, June 6th, Rep. Friess was honored to host Cities Leap Forward, an immersive learning seminar for local officials from surrounding municipalities within District 115. Administrative staff members from the districts municipalities attended the training, including mayors, clerks, and city administrators.

The trainers were: 

Michael Hall of the Secretary of States office – Training in Disposition of Records, email, and internet security.

Darrell Hamsten of the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity – Training in Grants, Funding, and the State Portal.

Emily Calderon of Moran Economic Development – Training in City Planning: Enterprise Zones, TIFs, Business Districts, and Comprehensive Plans.

Andy Waterman of Discover Downstate Illinois (Formerly IllinoiSouth Tourism)- Training in Travel, Tourism and the impact tourism can have on our communities if tapped into.

A big shout out to my District Director Cathy, who makes all of this possible. Without her planning and hard work to put these events together, they would never happen.

Applications for Illinois State Board of Education Preschool Funding Grants Extended to June 30th!

Illinois ranks 8th in the nation for preschool enrollment – that’s pretty awesome! But some areas do not have enough publicly funded preschool spaces to serve at least 80% of low-income children. We call these areas “preschool deserts.” To turn them into preschool oases, the Illinois State Board of Education has grants available to expand existing programs and to launch new ones.

The Illinois State Board of Education has extended the application deadline for the Early Childhood Block Grant to June 30th! A wide range of entities are eligible to apply, with $75 million available in FY 2024 to expand preschool access to 5,000 more children.

The 2024 Early Childhood Block Grant from the Illinois State Board of Education is aimed at increasing access to preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds across the state and filling critical gaps in underserved areas. Organizations such as schools, daycares, churches, community centers, and more can apply for funding to start or expand a preschool. And there’s help available for new applicants!

Learn more and apply at

100+ Women Who Care of Randolph County to Launch June 21st with Inaugural Event

100+ Women Who Care is a group of women with a simple goal of giving back to their community by supporting local non-profits with large donations and exposure/community awareness.

100 Who Care has many chapters, including 100 Men Who Care, 100 Businesses Who Care, 100 Kids Who Care, and 100 People Who Care. There currently exist over 700 instances of these groups around the world who are making huge impacts in their respective communities. 100+ Women Who Care of Randolph County is proud to join this circle of people who are devoting themselves to bettering the communities we call home.

Their inaugural launch event will be held at Ratzkeller, 1019 Veterans St. in Red Bud, IL. On Wednesday, June 21st at 5:00 pm.

Ratz Park Renovations to Begin in Red Bud

The city of Red Bud, IL received a $400,000 grant from the Open Space Land Acquisition and Development program to move forward with plans to renovate the historic Ratz Memorial Park. Plans for the park include adding a splash pad, workout area, and several other amenities.

Construction is set to take place between April and September of 2024.

I’m excited for the opportunities this renovated park will bring to the residents and families of Red Bud. Parks are wonderful places for families and children to enjoy the great outdoors in our communities. The new amenities included in Red Bud’s plans are exciting ones I believe the residents here will thoroughly enjoy.

ComWell Opens Behavioral Health Clinic in Red Bed

Photo Credit: North County News

State Representative David Friess (R-Red Bud) has commented on the opening of a new ComWell Clinic in Red Bud. On May 25th, ComWell held a ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating their new Red Bud clinic. ComWell staff and board members attended the event, joining together to support the beginnings of this important establishment.  “We are very excited and proud to share with each of you our new clinic,” stated ComWell Executive Director Shea Haury.

ComWell’s vision statement is to be “Where community meets wellness.” For almost 50 years, they have been an empowering presence in Randolph County, where they provide employment opportunities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, residential services for adults with mental illness, and mental health support/counseling. They also partner with local schools and hospitals to provide support to them as well. On their website, they say, “It is our mission to promote positive, healthy changes for individuals and communities through engagement, education, treatment and recovery. Our team is committed to empowering individuals to pursue growth and wellness. We value integrity, empathy, respect, quality, teamwork and communication.”

ComWell is recognized by the Council on Accreditation (COA) with national accreditation. They also hold licensing and accreditation as a certified Medicaid provider, child welfare agency, substance use treatment and DUI facility, community day services provider, and community integrated living arrangement facility.

“I’m grateful for ComWell’s presence here in Randolph County and their new clinic here in Red Bud,” Rep Friess said. “ComWell has a trusted and well-earned reputation for empowering, treating, and educating those in need in our communities. The work they do is inspiring and I’m grateful that the people of Red Bud will have easier access to the services they provide.”

ComWell also has locations 2517 State Street in Chester and 104 Northtown Drive in Sparta.

Spring Session Adjourns

On Saturday, May 27, the Illinois House concluded its 2023 spring session business and adjourned. Prior to adjournment, the General Assembly passed 566 bills through both houses. All of these bills have been sent, or will soon be sent, to Gov. Pritzker for the Governor’s signature or veto. 

Many of the Spring 2023 bills were worked out through bipartisan discussion and negotiation, leading to the creation of agreed language. However, key measures involving the State’s FY24 budget, State government operations during the approaching fiscal year, medical care for the indigent and undocumented immigrants, and other aspects of state tax policies and legal policies were not debated in public. The majority Democrats often exercised the power of getting a caucus “yes-vote” pledge behind closed doors before revealing language to the public. Republican members often voted “no” against bills jammed through the process in this fashion. 

Pritzker Signs Unbalanced FY24 Illinois State Budget

Earlier this week, Governor JB Pritzker signed the Democrat-crafted budget into law. The more than $50 billion budget is one of the largest spending packages in Illinois history. It includes a 5% pay increase for lawmakers, on top of the 16% hike they received in January. It also includes $550 million to provide free healthcare to undocumented immigrants, which is expected to grow to $1.1 billion by year’s end. Not included is relief for Illinois taxpayers as Democrats siphon off money intended for local governments and reinstate sales taxes on groceries, medicine, and gas to pay for the new programs and legislator pay raises.

House Republicans pointed to an obscure feature of the State’s spending plan that is expected to lead to property tax hikes on Illinois homeowners. The Democrats’ budget reallocates $700 million from State aid to local governments to the State’s General Revenue Fund. Illinois local taxing bodies can be expected to make up for these lost funds by increasing locally-generated taxes and fees to make up the lost income. Property tax rates are by far the largest segment of taxation power that can be used to raise money. According to the Chicago-based Civic Federation, Illinois’ property tax burdens are already the 2nd highest among the 50 states, second only to New Jersey.

Included in the spending plan was a pay hike for lawmakers, something the majority Democrats approved for themselves.

House Republicans have been vocal about their opposition to the pay raise, which brings the base pay for a state lawmaker to nearly $90,000 when the new fiscal year starts July 1st.

House Republican Leader Tony McCombie was outspoken during the debate of the budget bill, calling the pay raise unconstitutional – as lawmaker pay was already increased once this year starting January 1st and was above 5% making it above the constitutional limit.

Article IV, section 11 of the Illinois Constitution dealing with the legislature states, “A member shall receive a salary and allowances as provided by law, but changes in the salary of a member shall not take effect during the term for which he has been elected.”

It is up to state lawmakers to pass legislation to deny that automatic pay hike, which the Democrat majority prevented from moving forward.

Before signing the budget this week, Governor Pritzker had to issue a reduction veto, reducing the lawmaker pay raise to 5% to keep it constitutional.

Inflation is still high and families across the state are struggling to make ends meet. So what have Democrats put in the State budget this year? That’s right, they’ve given themselves another pay raise. It’s a disgrace, and all Illinoisans deserve better from their government.

Friends of Educational Opportunity Mobilize to Save Scholarship Program

Invest in Kids is a State-backed scholarship program for children, including at-risk children and children from disadvantaged households, to gain the opportunity to participate in private-sector schooling. Large tuition bills make it impossible for many families to send their children to private schools, even when they have high prospects and achievement levels. With scholarship assistance, many of these grade-school and high-school-aged students can continue their educational pathway. The program is backed by a State income tax credit. Provision of the credit gives approved Invest in Kids scholarship programs an incentive to create partnerships between private schools and their donors.

The Invest in Kids scholarship program is scheduled for phase-out starting December 31, 2023. Invest in Kids scholarship programs, and the educators and families that are part of these programs, are acutely aware of this phase-out and are taking action to engage with the General Assembly. Action by the Illinois General Assembly during the fall 2023 veto session will be necessary to enable the program to continue to help Illinois students. Many comparable and neighboring states, including Indiana and Iowa, have enacted permanent scholarship tax credit laws.

New Terminal Building Space at Mid-America Airport

The passenger airport, which serves the Metro-East and the St. Louis metropolitan area, has ongoing service in 2023 to eleven airports within the Allegiant Air system. The 41,000-square-foot Mid-America terminal expansion adds two new boarding bridges and creates opportunities for other airlines to serve the more than one million residents who live in and around the Metro-East region.   

The newly-added terminal space nearly doubles the size of the Mid-America terminal infrastructure. In planning the expansion, architects made it a priority to reduce security queues by creating a larger Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checkpoint space. Mid-America will now concentrate on developing a secure space adequate to meet U.S. Customs and Border Protection (USCBP) guidelines to greet planes coming in from outside the U.S. The ribbon was cut to open the new Mid-America terminal space on Tuesday, June 13.