Cities Leap Forward

This past Tuesday, June 6th, Rep. Friess was honored to host Cities Leap Forward, an immersive learning seminar for local officials from surrounding municipalities within District 115. Administrative staff members from the districts municipalities attended the training, including mayors, clerks, and city administrators.

The trainers were: 

Michael Hall of the Secretary of States office – Training in Disposition of Records, email, and internet security.

Darrell Hamsten of the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity – Training in Grants, Funding, and the State Portal.

Emily Calderon of Moran Economic Development – Training in City Planning: Enterprise Zones, TIFs, Business Districts, and Comprehensive Plans.

Andy Waterman of Discover Downstate Illinois (Formerly IllinoiSouth Tourism)- Training in Travel, Tourism and the impact tourism can have on our communities if tapped into.